To get a business license in South Korea, you or your agent should go to the tax office with the document below. It takes within 3 days to get it but you can get it immediately in some cases, which depends on your business type.
- Application form (including the letter of attorny)
- 1 Original of Corporate registration registry (등기부등본)
- 1 Copy of Rent contract (임대차계약서)
- The registered seal of the Company. (법인 인감도장)
- 1 Original of The list of shareholders.(주주명부)
- Original of ID card of the visitor (대리인신분증)

- 1 Original of Corporate registration registry (등기부등본)
- 1 Copy of Rent contract (임대차계약서)
- The registered seal of the Company. (법인 인감도장)
- 1 Original of The list of shareholders.(주주명부)
- Original of ID card of the visitor (대리인신분증)
- 1 Copy of The
articles of Incorporation (정관 사본)
Tel: 02-555-3919 from Korea,+82-2-555-3919 from abroad. Email:
Tel: 02-555-3919 from Korea,+82-2-555-3919 from abroad. Email: