Every business
entity should join several online system of authorities for the business purposes. They are as below.

“Home tax system” is for filing taxes and getting document (e.g. document which the bank requires) from tax authority. You can get your various document from tax authority, at your location without visiting the tax office.
With the electronic
certificate for electronic tax invoice you’ve got from the bank, you can join
the home tax system on “www.hometax.go.kr/”.
2. Electronic
tax invoice system (전자세금계산서)
Every business entity should use “electronic tax invoice system” compulsorily in Korea, so should join it as well. And then you can issue your electronic tax invoice to your clients.
With the electronic certificate for electronic tax invoice you’ve got from the bank, you can issue or receive the electronic tax invoice on the "home tax system".
With the electronic certificate for electronic tax invoice you’ve got from the bank, you can issue or receive the electronic tax invoice on the "home tax system".
3. National insurance system (4대보험)
For the work of national insurances, every business should submit the application form to the competent regional office of National Health Insurance Service. You can get the form here. http://www.nhis.or.kr/portal/site/main/MENU_WBDDB03/
And then you can join the "national insurance system" on “bips.bizmeka.com”.
Tel: 02-555-3919 from Korea,+82-2-555-3919 from abroad. Email: energy17jyw@gmail.com
And then you can join the "national insurance system" on “bips.bizmeka.com”.
Tel: 02-555-3919 from Korea,+82-2-555-3919 from abroad. Email: energy17jyw@gmail.com